My name is Habib al hazeem, i lived in Jakarta. I'am so interesting to Technology topic, actually in programming. i like blockchain technology, so interest about bitcoin tech ect. I like to work with team, because that could make relation with each other, giving knowledge and do some fun things together.
IT student & Programmer.
Make a code is such of my hobbies, and i'm still a student at university
- Birthday: 20 Juni 2004
- Phone: +62 8517 *****71
- City: Indonesia
- Age: 18
- Email: habiebalhazeem@gmail.com
in my last 3 years with programming and IT topic
Undergraduate & Informathic/bachelor of IT
2022 - now
Gunadarma University, Depok, Indonesia
Informathic Tech department, Studying about network, Algorithm, Science and Programming
Daar El qolam 3 Boarding School &
2019 - 2022
Tanggerang, Indonesia
Studied about Holy religion's Islam. I did some Extracuricullar which is Robotic and Water Rocket
Gunadarma sites
List of gunadarma sites
Student site
Use of one account for all access purposes in the Gunadarma University application environment.
BAAK Gunadarma
Site to handles everything related to the implementation of teaching and learning activities and academic administration for all Gunadarma University students
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